Tuesday, 13 December 2016

It's not always about Kumara in the Kaipara...

My last graduation of 2016 and what a lovely way to round off a great year for Computers in Homes in Te Tai Tokerau.  I often have to pinch myself; I'm so lucky to be involved in an industry where people learn, grow, develop and have fun during the course of the programme.

Term 4 has seen 53 families complete CiH and all in a variety of delivery, device and connectivity methods.  It's been fantastic being able to meet the differing needs of each family this year and I look forward to achieving that even more so in 2017.

On 13 December 2016 though we recognised nine people at Te Roroa Learning Assistance's Dargaville branch.  What a cool bunch of people!  I had so much fun each time I popped over from Whangarei; you're a welcoming bunch of Kiwi's I tell you :)

Congratulations to all Mum's and Dad's who took the time to learn and opted for an internet connection for your home.  I know it'll make a huge difference to not only your kids lives, but to your whanau as a whole.  Thank you Stephanie, Kura, Cyril and LeeAnne from TRLA, you're such a delight to work with and I appreciate all your support.  Here's a few photos acknowledging your day:

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Thursday, 8 December 2016

Where the mighty Totara grow tall...

I'm sure I've done a few posts on Totara Grove in the past, but here's the thing, never does the importance of Computers in Homes diminish at this particular school.  Never has the digital equity need been fully met.  There will always be whanau who appreciate the support that CiH offers, not just with regards to hardware, but the knowledge they gain, the friendships they grow and the ease with which they later feel when dealing with the school.

The mighty Totara's grow tall in these here parts, and I not just talking about the trees!  The students at Totara Grove are 100% loyal to their school and whanau - you'll see exactly what I'm talking about in the following slideshow.

Thank you tumuaki Lana Wolfgram and TGS Office Manager/CiH trainer Ngaire Olley - ladies, you are leeegends.  Tonnes of appreciation from myself and 2020 Trust for your ongoing support of our programmes.  Meri Kirihimete and enjoy a well deserved break in the sun!

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A wee East Coast story...

I've been in my coordinating role for over seven years now, and this is just the second time that Whananaki School has been involved in Computers in Homes.  I wish we could deliver to Whananaki every year as I truly love driving out to your magnificent coast.  Unless you've been to Whananaki you can't really fathom the paradise in which this community lives.  

And the people match the place; warm souls with loud laughs, whanau orientated parents who want the best for their tamariki and just good solid down-to-earth people.  Thank you for seeing the importance of digital learning within your children's classroom, thank you for attending and resourcing your home with not only hardware but the knowledge to aide your children's education.  

I thoroughly enjoyed my time with you all, now here's a little story as a koha from me.
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The sunny North shines once again - tu meke Te Tai Tokerau!

What a great school Portland is; nestled at the western entrance to Whangarei Harbour, they have the most glorious views and setting in which to learn.  The school families are terrific, so open-hearted and thankful for the gift which is Computers in Homes.  This was felt not only by me but our trainer, Rowena Walters.  Ro' has trained at a number of schools for me now, but this school in particular was a real pleasure.

Thank you to Portland School and more importantly tumuaki, Mr Jodi Edwards.  Thank you for welcoming us into your community and kia ora to the parents for attending and achieving such a lot within the programme.  I know from experience that your tamariki will love the Chromebook and internet connection within their home and I look forward to keeping in touch with you during the next 12 months.  Meri Kirihimete - Merry Christmas!

Noho ora mai rā, nā Sue Kini

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Wednesday, 13 April 2016

First Graduation for 2016!!

Annaliese Storey, you are amazing!  Do you know that?  I hope you do and I hope you know how much we appreciate you!!  For those of you who do not know Annaliese, let me explain....

On the second week of Term 1 (when she would have been seriously bogged down with her school office administration work) Annaliese rallied her families and started Computers in Homes training.  I turned up to the first session to introduce myself and Annaliese had already sorted the training resources into the participants very own special folders, including plastic sleeves for all the information that was coming their way over the next 10 weeks.  She also had her attendance sheets all laid out, and the contact and address details of every single family.  The Parent Pack had been printed and shared with everyone and she was busy collecting agreement forms and answering questions - I tell you - this woman is a LEGEND!!!!!

During the following 10 weeks Annaliese then taught these Mum's and Dad's computer skills; explained concepts; supported them when they weren't sure what they were doing; feed them biscuits with cups of tea & coffee; kept in regular contact with me.....and the list goes on really.

You are a fantastic trainer Annaliese, Tikipunga High School is extremely fortunate to have you in their administration team and I know your Principal, Alec Solomon, rates you extremely highly.  Thank you so much for all of your dedication and commitment to the CiH programme, not just this term, but from terms of past too.  We appreciate you and thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

11 wonderful families graduated today. 11 families who've now got a fantastic digital resource in their home and with most opting for an ultra-fast broadband connection (fibre) with our ISP who gives us wonderful service - 2degrees.

Let's keep this ball rolling in 2016!

Computers in Homes at Tikipunga High School, Term 1 2016 on PhotoPeach

Monday, 11 April 2016

We've been making hay while the sun shines!

I've been the regional coordinator in Northland for nearly seven years, and never in all that time have I had five schools running CiH in Term 1!!  It's a wonderful feeling to be up and running so early in the school year, not to mention working with an amazingly dedicated group of principals, trainers and techs.

As mentioned in previous posts, we've been trialling Chromebooks as the training and take-home device for our families.  Northlander's recognise the importance of being involved in their children's education, and there were plenty of 'nods' around the room when I explained why we're focusing on a device that directly relates to what their kids are using in the classroom. It was fantastic to meet all the participating families during the information sessions as it's one of my favourite parts of the job - people connecting with people.

As Northlander's we sometimes like to think we lead the way in particular areas, and hopefully this pilot will be so successful that I can continue to provide my community with an opportunity to gain not only an awesome digital device, but to upskill in cloud computing, internet safety and security and social media to name but a few new skills.

Schools currently running Computers in Homes in Term 1, 2016:

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Northland to pilot CIH Chromebook programme

2016 is set to be an incredibly exciting year for Computers in Homes in Northland.  The 2020 Trust is collaborating with the Taitokerau Education Trust and Te Puawai e-Learning Cluster to provide training for parents in Chromebooks.

The Chromebook is designed to be used primarily whilst connected to the Internet, with most applications and data residing "in the Cloud”.  Its cost, long battery life and functionality have made it the platform of choice for many students, schools and homes. 

Whilst there is still a place for pen and paper in schools, technology will only continue to advance.  It’s important that children don’t get left behind.  Digital literacy is never going to be any less important than what it is now.  Embracing change shows our tamariki that change is good and it empowers them to move forward in their education. 

Internet access in a classroom (provided it's a safe and monitored experience) gives kids the opportunity to expand beyond the boundaries of what they'd find in a textbook.

Using Chromebooks in the classroom will allow teachers to adapt to different learning styles, make learning more flexible, create excitement in learning for the kids and prepare them for the future.

Seven schools in Whangarei will participate in the Chromebook pilot this year.  Six are from the Te Puawai Cluster, and another is also keen to be involved as they use Chromebooks within their classrooms too.

I look forward to posting updates to my blog, showing the fabulous parents who undertake our training and their stories of achievement.  Watch this space!....