Thursday, 8 December 2016

Where the mighty Totara grow tall...

I'm sure I've done a few posts on Totara Grove in the past, but here's the thing, never does the importance of Computers in Homes diminish at this particular school.  Never has the digital equity need been fully met.  There will always be whanau who appreciate the support that CiH offers, not just with regards to hardware, but the knowledge they gain, the friendships they grow and the ease with which they later feel when dealing with the school.

The mighty Totara's grow tall in these here parts, and I not just talking about the trees!  The students at Totara Grove are 100% loyal to their school and whanau - you'll see exactly what I'm talking about in the following slideshow.

Thank you tumuaki Lana Wolfgram and TGS Office Manager/CiH trainer Ngaire Olley - ladies, you are leeegends.  Tonnes of appreciation from myself and 2020 Trust for your ongoing support of our programmes.  Meri Kirihimete and enjoy a well deserved break in the sun!

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