Annaliese Storey, you are amazing! Do you know that? I hope you do and I hope you know how much we appreciate you!! For those of you who do not know Annaliese, let me explain....
On the second week of Term 1 (when she would have been seriously bogged down with her school office administration work) Annaliese rallied her families and started Computers in Homes training. I turned up to the first session to introduce myself and Annaliese had already sorted the training resources into the participants very own special folders, including plastic sleeves for all the information that was coming their way over the next 10 weeks. She also had her attendance sheets all laid out, and the contact and address details of every single family. The Parent Pack had been printed and shared with everyone and she was busy collecting agreement forms and answering questions - I tell you - this woman is a LEGEND!!!!!
During the following 10 weeks Annaliese then taught these Mum's and Dad's computer skills; explained concepts; supported them when they weren't sure what they were doing; feed them biscuits with cups of tea & coffee; kept in regular contact with me.....and the list goes on really.
You are a fantastic trainer Annaliese, Tikipunga High School is extremely fortunate to have you in their administration team and I know your Principal, Alec Solomon, rates you extremely highly. Thank you so much for all of your dedication and commitment to the CiH programme, not just this term, but from terms of past too. We appreciate you and thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
11 wonderful families graduated today. 11 families who've now got a fantastic digital resource in their home and with most opting for an ultra-fast broadband connection (fibre) with our ISP who gives us wonderful service - 2degrees.
Let's keep this ball rolling in 2016!
Computers in Homes at Tikipunga High School, Term 1 2016 on PhotoPeach
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