Monday, 25 August 2014

Otangarei ICT Hub walk the Stepping UP path!

The newly formed Otangarei ICT hub at the Otangarei Marae is in full swing training families in the Stepping UP programme.

Formed in May 2014, the ICT hub hopes to bring training opportunities to all members of their community.  Two really dedicated women, Wahine Paewhenua and Lisa Godsall-Thomas, are at the hub every day helping their people to learn and use the computers that the 2020 Communications Trust so generously installed. 

Feedback so far has been incredible, people have commented on having less graffiti in the neighbourhood as taggers are at the hub using the computers!  And kids are coming in with their guitars and using the headphones to listen and learn how to play using YouTube.

Here are a couple of pictures from this mornings Stepping UP class:

Dedicated and committed parents of Kawakawa start training in 2014

Last Wednesday night, 20 August 2014, I drove through the pouring down rain and flooded mid-North region to attend the first CIH lesson of the year at Bay of Islands College. 

As per usual the turn out of participants was outstanding.  I truly believe this community understands the importance of digital knowledge, and I always leave the College feeling that 2020 Communications Trust is making a real difference.

Our trainer for four years now, Briony Johnston, is taking the bull by the horns and training around 22 families.  Briony is the Head of the ICT department at BOIC and her dedication to her families always blows me away.  Thank you Briony for always putting your hand up to take the CIH class, we all truly appreciate you!

Here's a couple of pictures of night 1:

I hope your enjoy your learning experience and I look forward to seeing you all again on night 8.